Sunday, April 01, 2007

Something for April Fool's Day

Its official Melbourne's water storages are currently 32.1% full (as at 1/4/2007). Despite the rain the overall storage is still falling. Some dams are rising by other failing a lot. Should this be a problem? The common explanation seems to be that the soil is taking up all the moisture and keeping run-off into the dams minimum. Another explaination is water may to be being shunted around.

The aprils fool day message bit is that this should have triggered level4 restrictions. However the Victorian government, or more specifically those politicians based in Melbourne,has gone a bot weak at the knees and changed the rules. So now we are have a claytons change to the rules when a real change to the rules could have had a bit of a voter backlash. So now we have water restriction level 3a.

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