Tuesday, July 19, 2011

returning to gwondanaland

returning to gwondanaland
Originally uploaded by imageo.
It has been a while since I have blogged about my Cretaceous garden, because it has been left to solider on by itself. A classic case of gardening by neglect and in fact it has looked after itself rather well, albeit becoming a touch overgrown.

Admittedly the weather has been very kind, lots of rain, but i am impressed with how fast the ferns have recovered from the drought conditions of the past few years.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The first art work arrives

IMGP6355Not many gardens boost works of art these days, but Gondwanaland has a new wall hanging. It’s one of the rock panels from my “Retracing Darwin” exhibition fitted out as the new home for an stag horn fern [Platycerium]. The fern is “growing” over my representation of the geological layers representing the Permian mass extinction event. A somewhat poignant reminder of the larger cycles in nature.

I think it looks perfectly at home.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Wet, Wet, Wet

IMGP0005Well the rains have come (at last) and Gwondanaland is more like a river than a garden. Also some water restriction have been lifted but now no one needs to water their garden.
It is amazing how the ferns have come to life. Everything is gushingly green again