Monday, September 17, 2007

Other Gwondanaland Plantings


I do not want to give you the impression I have the sole little piece of gwondanaland struggling to survive. A lot of direct descendants of the original Cretaceous forest still struggle on today out in wild. Some are ideally acclimatized for the harsh climates of southern Africa and Australia.  Others are tropical forest specialists. Some are being pampered in special collections, like these cycads in Adelaide's Botanical Gardens.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

The green drought!

It has been a long time between post. I seemed that the rain had come and things where returning to their normal seasonal cycle.


However I have just noticed that the new fern was looking decidedly dry. Maybe it was true, the myth of a green drought was coming true. I firmly believe the culprit was actually a few days of unseasonal dry north winds, but I am returning to the shower bucket method and watering the head of the stem as new shoots emerge just to be on the safe side.