Saturday, November 22, 2014

A bit of Nostalgia

A bit of nostalgia
I was experimenting with OnoNe’s Perfect Photo Suite 9 and noticed that amongst the presets is a comprehensive set of slide film emulating filters. Slide film was great it bought a true luminescence to photos, particularly landscapes, but at the same time it was very demanding, even half a stop out and you could "blow the highlights" or a stop under exposed and you would have gloom. However in between was a magic place full of rich colour. Perfect to capture the gingko turning yellow early this year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thriving under Neglect

The two hot weeks back in febuary really fried the fern (the looked dead) and savaged pretty much everything in my Gwondanaland garden. I did refurbish the irrigation sprays, now that the water restrictions have been eased BUT I haven't used them regulalry instead the garden has had to struggle on under on its own. Well the spring rain bought on some nice new growth on the tree ferns and the gingko. Now everything is looking happy and healthy

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Already the Leaves are turning Yellow

While I haven't been posting in here lately I have been paying attention to the wealth fare of Gondwanaland. We had a bruising hot and dry spell in February, and all the tree ferns had the fronds burnt and it has taken a few months to get the the tree ferns sprotting and some signs of life back into my mini forest. Returning home form a long trip I was pleased by the splashes of yellow, especially the ginkgo.

Friday, February 07, 2014

That was some heat wave

The past few days has literally frizzled the tree fern canopy